About Our Pool Cleaning Service

EVERY visit, your pool water is checked and balanced with the appropriate chemicals. We do not use ‘combination’ tablets. All chemicals are added individually to ensure that the water is properly balanced.
EVERY visit your pool is thoroughly cleaned. It will be brushed and hoovered. The skimmers will be cleaned and the baskets emptied. The sand filter will be backwashed and rinsed. When necessary the waterline will be cleaned and the pool sides/floor brushed. The timer will be adjusted as appropriate and the water level maintained correctly.
EVERY visit we will inspect your system for any mechanical problems or leaks.
We are very security conscious and will notify you if we have any concerns relating to either your property or your guests.
Our personal service ensures that your pool is cared for as if it were our very own!
Regardless of the size or shape of your pool — whether it is a private or a community pool Clearwater Pools will give you the best service available.
TIP: No autofill and not at your property all year round to maintain the water level? A Poolkeeper® is the answer.